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Re: Sensor Range Question [Evasion]

From: Keith Watt <kwatt@a...>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 13:38:17 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
Subject: Re: Sensor Range Question [Evasion]

On Thu, 29 Apr 1999, Thomas Anderson wrote:

> firstly, i remember reading somewhere that relativity only forbids
> travelling at lightspeed or integer multiples thereof; thus, it is
> perfectly allowable to travel at 1.5c. the trouble is, of course, that
> it's rather hard to get from 0c to 1.5c without going through 1c.
> are a three ways round this i can think of:

Hmm.  No, I don't think so.  There's no "quantizing" of lightspeed that
know of, though you may be remembering the argument that it's only
technically impossible for a massive particle to travel -at- lightspeed,
but tachyons would be able (and required) to exceed it.  See my previous
message about that, but I bet that's what you're thinking of.

Unless you're referring to some thoughts towards a theory of quantum
gravity, which some people in my group are working on, but no one in the
world is really even close to.	I'm afraid I'm out of my depth, beyond
very basics, with that subject though...

Univ. of Maryland Astronomy

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