Japanese Ship
From: Don Greenfield <gryphon@a...>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 08:17:47 -0600
Subject: Japanese Ship
A while back I asked how to photograph fig's so I could put up an image
my Japanese light cruiser, which began life as a Silent Death fighter.
Well, my friend Rick brought a scanner hime from work, so I tried Beth's
suggestion to put the miniature on the scanner bed and cover it with a
black cloth (I used the back of a GeoHex Starscape mat). Some work in
PhotoShop removing the stand and voila! I got a pretty decent image. I
it up on my web site so if anyone is interested, take a look. The URL
For what it's worth, my main FT page is:
But the only bit of content is my Path of the Fury conversion to FT 2.0.
think these rules are pretty nifty, but I haven't converted them to
Book standards. In any case, let me know what you think.