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G'day John,
>freedom to design whatever kind of forces or society that I desire,
>wothout being restricted by what these people *really* are (or were,
>as the case may be) like. I know that I'm not unique in this, but it
>seems to be the exception, rather than the rule, on this list.
>Is it because of the "realistic" nature of the rule systems and
>background, do you think? Does this encourage a more historical
>mindset, perhaps? Again, I'm not advocating one approach over the
>other--they both seem equally valid, as far as I'm concerned. I'm
>just curious as to one predominates over the other on GZG-L.
>Any opinions?
First a disclaimer, I'm not paying out on anyone's nation here, I admire
the hard work and imagination that has gone into everyone's efforts, I'm
simply stating an opinion (having said that I shouldn't say anything
upsets anyone, anyway, but just in case...)
Can't say for sure what causes the proliferation you mentioned, but I
noticed it. In fact one of the strongest reasons I didn't pursue
in space" from the start (and I'm not going to now, but thanks to all
who encouraged me none the less) was because I really can't see future
nations being "reincarnation of period x in space". Admittedly history
a HUGE impact on what we see today (which is what makes it so much fun
think about what if such and such had won the war not the guy who did
etc.), but its because it has shaped what we are, not because we
necessarily set out to recreate some past civilisation.
Maybe part of the issue with using the past/present when creating your
future histories is the same as the problems with creating future
technology/weapons and even aliens, you feel safest bulding from what
know. For instance, I have a real problem with the idea of biological
entities because my training makes the idea uncomfortable/irritating,
but I
keep my peace because when it comes down to it I can't say for
sure that its totally impossible - hell if a tardigrade can survive
vaccuum, maybe something else will figure out how to do it while awake
on a grand scale. Comfort-zone-wise things in ships is just closer to
I can accept (easily), though I'm not advocating a zillion species which
are humanoid with bumpy noses (I'd love to see more "hortas" or little
critters that go round in swarms of single man ships, or some kind of
that isn't inherently bad/good but just thinks so differently its
incompatible with our reference systems etc etc etc).
Maybe another reason people just stick with what they/know can find out
because we're going to present these ideas to other guys we play with
they have to swallow it.
Anyway better stop chewin' the cud and get some work done.
Have fun,
Elizabeth Fulton
c/o CSIRO Division of Marine Research
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