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Re: Rafm, mini's

From: agoodall@i... (Allan Goodall)
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 23:06:24 GMT
Subject: Re: Rafm, mini's

On Thu, 08 Apr 1999 21:16:15 -0700, -MWS- <>

>RAFM has a web site at, their voice line is

I've been away from the list for a while, sorry if this has been covered

I thought RAFM relocated to Brampton. If so, they should have a 416 area
This might be their old Cambridge number...

Allan Goodall
Goodall's Grotto:

"Surprisingly, when you throw two naked women with sex
toys into a living room full of drunken men, things 
always go bad." - Kyle Baker, "You Are Here"

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