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From: Aaron Teske <ateske@H...>
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 08:18:25 -0400
Subject: Re:

At 06:32 PM 4/9/99 +0200, Oerjanwrote:
>> >	This is a question about the FT Fleet Book.  What is the deal
>> > armor? [snip]
>> >I tried to figure it out and depending on which ship model you
>> >look at it could be any were from one point per mass to ten.  they
>> >didnt do a very good job editing the Fleet Book there are alot of
>> >mistakes in the ship designs.  
>> Actually, we did a very nice job of editing the designs 
>Braggart ;-) (Being Swedish, I have the Jante law deeply imprinted in
>my soul <g>)

Hey, considering what I've seen out of some other companies out there,
the truth!

And what's the Jante law?

>>There are a few ships that have bloopers, but those came
>> from the typesetter if I had to make a guess. 
>Jon did all the editing, and he's admitted to several of them <shrug>

Oh, okay.  Didn't hear him....

>All we checked was what went into the System Display panels, and there
>only a couple of errant DCPs in those IIRC (one of them has gone AWOL
>from the NSL Der Theuerdank and is now hiding beside the 2nd PDS mount
>on the NAC Ark Royal... <g>).

Ah, yes, Able Spacehand Funk....

>> (Though this doesn't apply to the merchant & support vessels, since
>> Jon didn't hand those designs out for us to check. ^_- )
>IIRC all of the merchies and supports are OK, but the points cost for
>the Assault Transport includes the cost of the four landing craft (as
>opposed to the various fighter carriers which all come empty).

Oh, is that what all the debate was about?  I thought it was something
else... though you're probably right.  Oh, well, whatever. ^_^


					Aaron Teske
A totally unprovoked attack on peaceful neighbors. Must be the race 
file. Does strange things.
		--Rick Kucejko, on the War Monger PRT in Stars!

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