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Re: Gaming Conventions

From: "Kevin Walker" <sage@m...>
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 09:04:15 -0500
Subject: Re: Gaming Conventions

From: Brian Burger <>

> Specifically, does anyone know of any this summer in either Vancouver,
> or Seattle, WA regions? (Northwest bits of North America...)
> I'm trying to plan my few weeks off this summer as a 'gaming holiday',
> ideally including a gaming con. (Time span is anywhere from May thru
> August.)

Hi Brian,

There is a convention around the end of August in Seattle called
Dragonflight.  I used to work as part of the staff for that convention
I moved away from the area nearly three years ago.  I will probably be
attending this year (no job as of yet to suddenly send me overseas
the prime of convention season).  If you're interested I should be able
find out what the actual timing of the convention and maybe an idea of
of the events - which type would you be interested in (all types).

Hope this will help,

Kevin Walker
Mac / Windows Software Developer
Rochester   MN	 USA

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