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RE: [SG2]: GSM/P Question

From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 10:28:57 +1000
Subject: RE: [SG2]: GSM/P Question

Just look under "Heavy Weapons against dispersed targets", can't
remember the page, but it's in the vehicles section of SG.  All heavy
weapons fired against infantry (including GMS systems) use d8 impact
regardless of actual damage potential.	It makes it ineffecient when
firing a GMS/L at the mongrels, but you have to take what you can

-----Original Message-----
From:	Adrian Johnson []
Sent:	Sunday, April 04, 1999 3:18 PM
To:	gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
Subject:	RE: [SG2]: GSM/P Question

>From a "rules" point of view, look at page 40 of the SG2 rulebook.

Under "guided missile fire" it says that the GMS/P can't add in to
small-arms fire resolution (unlike a buzz-bomb).  It doesn't say that
can't fire at infantry, just that you must fire the GMS/P as a separate
fire action.

If you can do damage to infantry with an IAVR (firepower d10, impact d12
according to chart on page 34, though the text on page 40 says it has
firepower d8) shouldn't you be able to do damage to infantry with a
The only real difference between the two is in size of rocket motor and
guidance package. The warheads are the same (d12, d12x2 for major hit).

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