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Re: [OT] BFG Questions ?

From: Aaron Teske <ateske@H...>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 17:51:19 -0500
Subject: Re: [OT] BFG Questions ?

Hmm.  Almost -- almost -- makes me wish I'd preordered BFG from GW, but
figured that there wasn't enough of a discount to make it worth taking
profit away from the local store.  So I'll have to work something out
the store owner; I'm due to leave to help him paint ships for Saturday's
demo.... ^_^

(And, looking back at the above, that's not meant as a slam for anyone
did preorder the box set -- I just don't like direct ordering from GW.
Hmm, for that matter I suppose some of you might not've, though if you
didn't why didn't you share where you were ordering from? ^_- )


					Aaron Teske
A totally unprovoked attack on peaceful neighbors. Must be the race 
file. Does strange things.
		--Rick Kucejko, on the War Monger PRT in Stars!

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