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Re: [FT]Fleet sizes...

From: John Leary <john_t_leary@p...>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 08:41:36 -0800
Subject: Re: [FT]Fleet sizes...

This is a repost of the fleet sizes issue.

Donald Hosford wrote:

> Had a question about fleet sizes.  Is there an accepted ratio of fleet
> size to population size? (ie. how many ships -- of verious sizes --
> million of planetary population?)
> I don't want munchkinize the size of my fleet...Just a believable
> Donald Hosford
John Leary wrote:
> Jerry and All,
> Results of the 'Number of Ships Survey'
> Legend:
> Low Sub  # = Lowest number of ships submitted.
> Low Avg  # = Average of the low submissions.
> Comb	   # = Combination of the low and high averges.
> High Avg # = Average of the high submissions.
> High Sub # = Highest number of ships submitted.
> Sys Def  # = Combined avg number for SDB
> Cargo    # = Combined avg number for Cargo ships.
> Chart:
> Size	   Low	Low  Comb  High  High  Sys  Cargo
> of	   Sub	Avg  Avg   Avg	 Sub   Def  Ships
> Power     #	 #    #     #	  #	#    #
> Major    400	887  1181  1475  2000  310  2000
> 2nd	   200	488   519   550  1200  240  1050
> 3rd	   100	187   318   450   900  180   325
> 4th	    40	 72   127   182   300  125   250
> 5th	     0	 13    48    83   150	62   160
>      The range between the low an high averages gives quite
> a bit of room for people to do what they desire.  I can only
> hope the chart will be of some value to those who are
> still designing fleets.
> Comments.
> Bye for now,
> John L.

     Where a major power has 10 to 15 planets and a 5th rate has 
1 or 2 planets.     

John L.

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