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Re: KV Playtest Designs/Fighters

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <schoon@a...>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 22:58:49 -0800
Subject: Re: KV Playtest Designs/Fighters

>Heavy fighter for free:   I feel that this is a game device to to allow
>      'K' fighters to have a form of superior maneuverability (the 'K'
>      strong point in the rules) without making a lot of strange
>      fighter rules for the 'K' fighters.

Giving the K'V Heavy fighters for free has nothing to do with
maneuverability, it just unbalances them points wise. Pricing them
adds no rules. (??)

>Tims cost table:   Having just looked at the table, the price seems to
>be about
>      100 percent higher than the human cost.	 Unless the combat
>      of the fighters is 100 percent greater, the cost is totally out

Not true, but it is "one heavy fighter mod" higher. That's the extra
ability, that's the extra cost.


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