Re: [FT] A thought on that vector movement problem
From: "Jared E Noble" <JNOBLE2@m...>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 08:55:48 -1000
Subject: Re: [FT] A thought on that vector movement problem
>I may be unsure about this, (my FB copy is at a friend's house) but
the way I
>understand it, any thrust used to maneuver, is taken from the "main"
>does it matter when that thrust is used? So long as the player isn't
>thrust than his ship can take, whats is the problem?
>Donald Hosford
Unfortunately that's an interpretation that doesn't jibe with the FB
They are entirely separate, so you ARE legally allowed to use your full
MD, as
well as your full Thruster rating, thus the source of this debate.
Jared (who is going to let this die soon, I promise)