Re: [FT] A thought on that vector movement problem
From: Aaron Teske <ateske@H...>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 19:24:29 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] A thought on that vector movement problem
At 08:56 AM 3/12/99 +1000, Beth wrote:
>One more question though, does some of the resistance to the 'bad'
>move come from those used to cinematic or is more a case of it being
>just too grating for the physics-oriented to swallow? The reason I ask
>is that Showdown is my ONLY experience with cinematic (which may
>explain how come my BDN ended up perfectly placed in front of
>everyone's crosshairs this turn - well that's my excuse)
By the way, Beth -- that was very well done, indeed. I don't think I
could've asked for anything better, though since both Noam & I were
targetting your BDN with everythign we had anyway, I'm not sure the
placement mattered *too* much. (Just to make you feel better. ^_- )
Offhand (and on the topic) I tend to agree with you, I like (or at least
don't mind) the ability to do anything in whatever order. In fact, I'm
kinda peeved that the Fleet Book took out one of the endearing traits of
the playtest system, where you could make moves in whatever order --
do a mains burn, then rotate, push, rotate, and another mains burn, say.
Admittedly, you'd get further doing other orders most likely, but it was
fun. ^_^ (I also like the 1 maneuver point per point of rotation rule,
people in my GZG-ECC game know. Pushes were 2 MPs, and your # of MPs
equal to your thrust rating instead of half.)
Aaron Teske
A totally unprovoked attack on peaceful neighbors. Must be the race
file. Does strange things.
--Rick Kucejko, on the War Monger PRT in Stars!