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Re: [FT] Playtest of Fulton's MT Missile rules proposal

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <schoon@a...>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 14:46:39 -0800
Subject: Re: [FT] Playtest of Fulton's MT Missile rules proposal

>> Three of these babies can take down our SDN "in a vacuum," at 162 >
>It's not quite that bad.

Agreed. I was making a point about potential abuse.

>Second, destroying half the weaponry aboard a ship without damaging its
>hull structure at all is not the same thing as destroying half its
>power (ie, half its point cost). It is only worth roughly 30% of the
>cost, and that's assuming that the damage can't be repaired. As seen
>above, EMP missile damage can be repaired.

This is a very good point.

>If those three barges had had *standard* warheads though, the ship
>would've taken on average 4.6*7 = 32.2 pts of damage... no, sorry,
>only wanted the specialty missiles to be doubled in size, not the
>standard ones. OK, it gets hit by 18 - 4.4 missiles, for on average
>pts of damage - a rather massive overkill, I think. *This* is

Truth be told, I'm more concerned with the standard version than the EMP
Needle, as you've so aptly illustrated.

Better yet, hit 'em with the EMPs first, and then follow with standards
- -
erm, I'm getting off the subject.

As for the FC issue, I rather liked the suggestion of 1 FC per missile
the turn of launch, but I have no PSB justification; it just seems


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