18.1" Anti-Aircraft Guns!!!
From: "Imre A. Szabo" <ias@s...>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 07:37:21 -0500
Subject: 18.1" Anti-Aircraft Guns!!!
Hi Guys,
I finished the book "Big Fleet Actions" by Eric Grove. In the section
on the battle of the Philippine Sea, it stated that the Japanesse
considered all their guns dual prupose. They even had special
"incendiary shrapnel shells for big guns up to 18.1in caliber" for
anti-aircraft use!
This is in direct contradiction of the Full Thrust Rules, page 17. One
way to correct the rulses is to allow all beam to fire as PDS, but they
only get 1d6 at short range, even if it is a Class 20 beam.