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Re: [FT] AAR-IF vs NRE

From: "John M. Atkinson" <john.m.atkinson@e...>
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1999 11:40:06 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] AAR-IF vs NRE

Laserlight wrote:

> seriously damaged.  One of them bravely acted as a banzai jammer,
soaking up
> fourteen individual missiles (the first four rolls were 6,4,4,6...more
> weren't needed).  Meanwhile, I maneuvered exactly into his two missile

It was a Frigate, for Christ's sake!

> salvos (I, er, *meant* to do that, just to make you feel good, John!).
> time, again I win initiative, and this time we're within 12 inches. 
16 beam
> dice make themselves known.  IF Weak hulls also make themselves known
> return fire eventually nickel-and-dimes two of my three beam ships
> small nebulae.

No, the black one went away from the SLMs.  I then plinked the red one

> view.  I might should have varied my weapons mix just a bit, also,
> I was very pleased with my Beam ships.

Yup.  Although against a heavier force (CruRon) the range limit might be
a little dangerous.

John M. Atkinson

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