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Re: [FT] Houserules for bringing MT missiles into FB

From: -MWS- <hauptman@c...>
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 22:52:38 -0800
Subject: Re: [FT] Houserules for bringing MT missiles into FB

At 09:29 AM 3/5/99 +1000, you wrote:
>Here's what Derek's come up with to (kinda) bring MT missiles into line
>with the FB. He hasn't added any new kinds of missiles or anything like
>that, basically he's only fiddled with the way they move. They seem to
>quite well (at least so far).
>Once again (and hopefully the last time for today as my supervisor has
>walked in on me sending these email twice!) I hope you enjoy. And as
>comment away.


One comment - brilliant!

As in all extremely elegant solutions, the main thought I had was: "Now,
why didn't *we* think of that?".  {:-}

Mark "Hauptmann" Shurtleff
  email: -or-
      The Gear Locker -
	  Full Thrust -

 Finagle's Law:
   The perversity of the Universe tends towards the maximum.

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