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Re: FT: FB2 Preview - Obi Wan Tuffley

From: "Denny Graver" <cyberdruss@c...>
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 21:36:53 -0000
Subject: Re: FT: FB2 Preview - Obi Wan Tuffley

Fleet Book 2
Bugs Don't Surf

I don't mind what snippets we get, as long as we get 'em ;]

Before the Fleet Book was released, JT was kind enough to post backgound
stuff like the essay/article on Jump preparation that appears in the
back of

If a) he's similarly disposed to do the same for either publication
   b) he's done it yet
   c) we get new backgound fluff to pad out the Tuffleyverse

I'll be happy.	Especially the fiction which often accompanies the

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