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Exordium Series Books Available

From: Thomas.Granvold@E... (Tom Granvold)
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 13:10:36 -0800
Subject: Exordium Series Books Available

   I've just finished reading the Exordium series, which I enjoyed.
I'm not likely to read them again (there is plenty of other good stuff
to read), so I'm willing to give them away to the first one who replies.
All I ask in return is the mailing cost.  So when you reply please
your mailing address, so that I can find out the cost.	These books are
all used, naturally, and are in good condition.  This is the full series
as follows:

The Phoenix in Flight
Rular of Naught
A Prison Unsought
The Rifter's Covenant
The Thrones of Kronos

   All written by Sherwood Smith and Dave Throwbridge.

   Does anyone know if there is to be other books in this setting?
There are a few threads left unfinished at the end of The Thrones of

Tom Granvold				<>

Prev: Very Large Ships was Re: [FT] Minatures...... Next: Fuel consumption rules