Prev: Re: [list] Re: Dark Nebula Map Next: Re: Saturday at the Con. . .

Re: [list] Re: Dark Nebula Map

From: "What do you mean 'Vorchans aren't atmosphere-capable'?" <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 09:44:23 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [list] Re: Dark Nebula Map

>> While accidents do happen, I'll take this opportunity to point out a
couple of
>> things.
><smacking forehead>  Yup, I screwed up, forgive me all, please!

Too late. Your pennance will be to attend GZG-ECC III and suffer
at the hands of list members.

This gives:

 1) list members time to dream up appropriate punishment, and

 2) you time to dream up whatever the other list members might be
   dreaming up and quake with dread.


Sarah: "Is this the point where I say, 'why in the heck am I doing

Indy: "And this is the point where I say, 'belay's on'."

Prev: Re: [list] Re: Dark Nebula Map Next: Re: Saturday at the Con. . .