Re: [GZG-ECC][DS2] Moonbase XI AAR
From: Aaron Teske <ateske@H...>
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 22:31:51 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG-ECC][DS2] Moonbase XI AAR
At 09:32 PM 3/1/99 -0500, you wrote:
>The Lunar Guarde was equiped with AFV's designed for a vacuum. The LLAR
>made quick conversions to vehicles that they already owned. Thus, shots
>against LLAR AFV's, that hit, drew an extra damage chit.
Which mattered in some cases, but not decisively so.
>The game turned out to be a little unbalanced. The LLAR won decisively.
Helped along by some rather nice chit draws... taking out the three size
tanks on Opportunity Fire was *very* handy! I think I drew 8-9 damage
each tank...? Having HKPs -- which count all chits -- was probably the
most useful thing out there. Downgrading some LLAR guns to HCVs and
degrading their fire by a chit (since the moon has no atmosphere for the
fin stabilization) may balance things out a little, but it may also
things *too* far in favor of the Lunar Guarde.
>Some suggestions were made to balance the scenario:
>1) Start the 17th closer to the base.
>2) Change the HEL/3's on the Paladin AFV's to MDC's
>3) Add 1 or 2 AFV units to the 17th
>4) Remove the Rules of Engagement.
Actually, a fifth: increase the LOS distance, if only by including
elevation (on the raised sections). If the UN forces could've gotten
earlier use out of the missiles on the heavy tanks, the LLAR might've
in more trouble.
Thanks for the great game! ^_^
Aaron Teske
A totally unprovoked attack on peaceful neighbors. Must be the race
file. Does strange things.
--Rick Kucejko, on the War Monger PRT in Stars!