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Re: [Con-Quotes] GZG-ECC II Quote Board Entries

From: Aaron Teske <ateske@H...>
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 20:02:29 -0500
Subject: Re: [Con-Quotes] GZG-ECC II Quote Board Entries

At 07:25 PM 3/1/99 -0500, Mk wrote:
>>>>>	 A: "Martian Captain, state your intentions."
>>>>>	 T: "I haven't fired at you yet!"
>>>>>	 J: "Is that any guarantee?" (FT/Solar Thrust)
>>>>Note:  Tom's heavy cruiser mini was physically in contact with
>>>>Presby's dreadnought at this point.
>>>Thanks for the clarification. I take it 'J' was Jerry?
>>Actually, I thought I'd said that?  (Though mebbe not.)
>Well, that's what someone put on the board (A:, T:, and J: ; I thought
>Jerry was in that scenario so drew a conclusion that he was the 'J:')

Well, at that time Jerry actually wasn't in the scenario except as itty
bitty pieces... though he was dropping by from time to time.

It's also entirely possible that was said by both of us... and maybe one
two of the others, as well.  Suspicions were running high that game....

>>Another quote from the game would've come from Andy as well, towards
>>VERY militaristic Mercurians (well played by John Atkinson): "Are you
>>*sure* you're not a Klingon?!?"
>So why didn't you put that on the board originally, eh?  *whok*

Didn't really think of it at the time. <shrug>

					Aaron Teske
A totally unprovoked attack on peaceful neighbors. Must be the race 
file. Does strange things.
		--Rick Kucejko, on the War Monger PRT in Stars!

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