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Re: [FT] NI / FCS and other things (long)

From: Laserlight <laserlight@c...>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 18:36:57 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] NI / FCS and other things (long)

>j a c wrote:
>> Hehehehe, yeah, go ahead, make my day.  We go bout lohdud fuhr bar
>> hair.  If you can translate that, you can have all my encryption
>> 8^)
>> Jim Clem
>> Full Thrust Site
>its: 'roun' heah'.  (hee ya)
>Bi ya'll:
>John L.

Jim's has a good deal of mountain twang in it, as opposed to John's
For the incredulous--yes, people do talk this way.  My job involves a
lot of
phone work, and my territory has covered the entire southeastern US.
Someone from Georgia or Alabama does not sound the same as someone from
Tennessee or the Virginia mountains...and thank God, we don't sound the
as the damyankees at all. <g>

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