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[semi-OT] News on Jon White, ex-list admin.

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 22:44:02 +0000
Subject: [semi-OT] News on Jon White, ex-list admin.

Hi all,

I had a letter a couple of days ago from our ex-Listfuhrer, Jon White -
sadly Jon hasn't resubbed to the new list location yet, because he had a
nasty road accident just after Christmas and is still recovering. I
have any more details, but he asked me to post this message just to let
everyone know what is going on, and why we haven't had any posts from
I think everyone will join me in wishing Jon a very speedy and
 With the tragic loss of Adam a couple of years back, then this
to Jon W., the Listfuhrer job looks like it could well be jinxed - watch
your back, Matt....!  :-/

One of the Other Jons (the GZG one).

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