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Re: [FT][FH]Sumani Incident (or: Battle of the Johns)

From: John Leary <john_t_leary@p...>
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 15:40:49 -0800
Subject: Re: [FT][FH]Sumani Incident (or: Battle of the Johns)

Laserlight wrote:
> Leary:
> >> > 7) 2173 - SUMANI IV incident - NAC and ESU reps killed by IF
> >> >		 suggest a system in/near the IF area
> Atkinson :
> >> Crap.
   (or: Battle of the Johns)  Nice pun!   JTL

     In a last effort to clarify the position with reguard to
the Sumani IV incident I offer this quote from FT:
"2173 The Sumani IV incident.	ESU and NAC peace negoiators 
assassinated by an Islamic Federation terrorist attack.  ..."
I trust that clarifies my position.

     In reguard to my SUGGESTED location IN/NEAR IF space:
If you have a better idea, send it in.	 Your reasons may be
much more valid than mine.

Bye for now,
John L.

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