[DSII] Genre
From: "John M. Atkinson" <john.m.atkinson@e...>
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 15:18:29 -0500
Subject: [DSII] Genre
A number of weapons in Full Thrust are identified as 'genre specific',
ie not part of the GZG-verse background, intended only to give FT the
flexibility to be used in anime-style settings, etc. For instance Nova
Cannon and Wave Gun.
What in the DSII book, if anything, is 'genre specific', ie not used by
any of the GZG-verse powers? The only obvious canidates are oversized
vehicle/modular vehicles, and big walkers (size 4+). Any thoughts?
Maybe a word from Jon on which he considers part of the GZG-verse and
which isn't?
I recently purchased two (!) Ogres, already have a Scotia Rolling
Thunder, and I also got two big grav tanks, so I've been thinking about
an Imperial Dinochrome Turma. :)
John M. Atkinson