RE: assemblying FT minis/GW Space Fleet Minis (compilation)
From: Aaron Teske <ateske@H...>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 17:21:31 -0500
Subject: RE: assemblying FT minis/GW Space Fleet Minis (compilation)
At 08:46 AM 2/17/99 -0600, Dean wrote:
>Aaron wrote:
>> Good luck; the original Space Fleet bases are now only available if
>> find an original blister -- GWUK doesn't sell them any more, and
>> GWUS never did.
>I really must have gotten lucky then picking up 4 or so packs of just
>in the GW discount bin in Crazy Egor's booth at GenCon a couple of
years ago
Wow. Though I've found that most of the GW ships are actually *very*
balanced, and work pretty nicely on even the regular hex flying stands.
You don't want to knock the table too hard, but then that's true
they will survive minor rocks.
Of course, I also fill and redrill many of the post holes to *fit* the
smaller flying stands, which may have something t odo with why they work
well for me. ^_^ But it's pretty easy....
[Dictator BB]
>That is the one Space Fleet mini I never had a desire to find. I have
>pretty much gotten all of the Space Fleet minis I want....wait, I still
>don't have a Thunderbolt Cruiser. Anyone have an extra?
Have some? Yes. Extra...? Well, no, I've only got eight, and I'd like
more. ^_^;
Aaron Teske
A totally unprovoked attack on peaceful neighbors. Must be the race
file. Does strange things.
--Rick Kucejko, on the War Monger PRT in Stars!