Prev: Re: Manuever warfare was:Anti-Tank guns Next: Re: OT: You guys aren't going to believe this....

Re: Manuever warfare was:Anti-Tank guns

From: DracSpy@a...
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 12:49:30 EST
Subject: Re: Manuever warfare was:Anti-Tank guns

In a message dated 99-02-13 10:48:51 EST, you write:

<< > Home Depot, Lowe's etc sells closed cell styrene for insulation. 
 > use spray paint as the propellant eats the styrofoam.  
 Paint it with diluted PVA ("Elmer's") glue first. It takes some extra
 time, but it allows spray painting and seems to provide some protection
 from general wear'n'tear as well.
 Oerjan Ohlson >>
I had not thought about doing that, but it is a good idea, as I want to
some Minis (1/87 scale) and the battle field to fight them on.	Has
thought of usings a sand table?

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