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Re: [DS2] Anti-Tank guns

From: DracSpy@a...
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 00:32:52 EST
Subject: Re: [DS2] Anti-Tank guns

In a message dated 99-02-10 19:57:15 EST, you write:

<< I'd like to see towed ATG's and other non-self propelled support
 for those reasons, i.e. Militia units and lower tech forces. Towed
 could still play a useful role in certain types of terrain such as
 jungles and mountains particulary if your opponent has only so much  in
 way of aerospace support and ground mobile assets to spread around.
While I
 agree the weapons systems that are self-propelled can be brought to
bear more
 quickly and are more likely to survive on a modern (and future)
 they may still have advantages in certain situations. Besides, doesn't
 rule book (if not the rules) imply their use? I seem to recall an
 showing a group of soldiers hauling some sort field gun into place.
 Perry >>
In Steel Panthers II the Anti-Tank guns a very usefull idea, they work
well with Air Defence Vehicles and a slope that you can hide behind. I
done a little bit of simming with DS2 with this idea, and it works,
that Gawain will be using to defend its self from the NAC forces.

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