Re: Small ships and SMLS & Killing Torp armed fleets.....
From: "cgray" <cgray@i...>
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 23:21:30 -0800
Subject: Re: Small ships and SMLS & Killing Torp armed fleets.....
At 01:20 AM 2/7/99 -0500, you wrote:
>How to kill a (fill in the blank) fleet:
>Whatever you do, do a lot of it. Don't take a couple of beams and a
>of SMR's and a few torps and a needle and so forth. Salvo missiles,
>example, work best when you can say "Light cruiser #1 launches
>End points are here, here, here, here, and here. Next cruiser..."
>are the same way, although missiles and fighters can complement each
>The key (IMHO) is to bear in mind that your weapons are most effective
>different ranges, and if you have a mix of weapons, that implies that
>are doomed to having some of your weapons at inefficient ranges. For
>example, torpedoes are best at close range, where you can hit (unless
>Indy, in which case, why did you take torps anyway?). The benefit of a
>class 3 beam is that you can chip away at your opponent from long
range. If
>you put them both on one ship, you have to decide if you're gong to
>your beams' range advantage, or if you're going to roll low-odds torp
>Or go for the middle and enjoy the worst of both worlds.
>Remember, battleships evolved from "lots of guns, all sizes" to "all
Exactly which is why I builf missle boats that did one thing and had one
armament OK 2 if I increased them to 30 tons and added a fighter bay :)
But I think they are defeatable with area point defense and a well