Re: [SG] Hammer's Slammer's Weaponry
From: "Thomas Barclay" <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 16:25:30 -0500
Subject: Re: [SG] Hammer's Slammer's Weaponry
Adrian spake thusly upon matters weighty:
> The problem I see with the Slammer's weapons in the GZG world
> in SGII) is that a single hit with an infantier's powergun (rifle)
> totally slag most of the common types of personal armour - maybe not
> and if stretching maybe not the full-suit hardshell armour like the
> heavy infantry wear - but with any of the others, the armour won't
> the wearer.
The slammers wore clamshell armour that slowed down powerguns, so I
think hardened armour would slow them down.
How about this:
Powergun (Pistol): FP 1 Impact d8 (or d10 if you have a nasty bent)
Powergun (SMG): FP 3 Impact d8 (or d10 if you are evilly inclined)
Powergun (Rifle): FP 2 Impact d12
Powergun (Tribarrel): Support Weapon FP d12 Impact D12
Powerguns versus armour:
Partial powered armour (like say the israelis wear or hardshell like
some of the german troops) is treated as one level worse (ie if the
armour was D8 versus normal weapons, its D6 versus powerguns).
Other soft or non-reflective armours are USELESS. Defender rolls D4
for armour checks. PA is unaffected.
> Is there anything in the GZG world like the "iridium" (I think??)
> super-armour from the Slammer's books?
Yeah, how about Armour 3+ vehicles? I think an Armour 5 MBT could
well be conceived of as having such wicked armour.
Thomas Barclay
Voice: (613) 831-2018 x 4009
Fax: (613) 831-8255
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