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[URL]SG2 photos!

From: Brian Burger <burger00@c...>
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 01:17:35 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [URL]SG2 photos!

I've just finished adding a Gallery to my website. At present, it's
all SG2 photos in 15mm scale.

I've also added photos to various other pages - check out the Figures
and the Vehicles page! There are some photos on those two that don't
appear in the Gallery...

Also new/added/modified: - Sentry gun rules for SG2 (I posted these to
list a while back) have been HTMLed - see SG2 House Rules.

- SF/Combat Quotes list HTMLed and added.

- loads of new links - on Games page, Main, Scenery, SG2, DS2, all over.

- new navigation bars inside the DS2 and SG2 areas - hopefully make it
easier to get around.


ALL FEEDBACK appreciated! Tell me what you like - what you want to see -
what didn't work (oops)...

Brian (

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