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Re: Starmap Page for Encyclopedia

From: Laserlight <laserlight@c...>
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 00:02:24 -0500
Subject: Re: Starmap Page for Encyclopedia

>Thomas Anderson wrote:
>> 447 kB! i've had lack-of-memory errors from a win nt box with virtual
>> memory; i logged in on a second workstation just to see your map, and
>> moaned too. is there any way it can be made smaller? perhaps borken
>> into several sheets?
> I've put up the set of one-quarter sheets. See how they work.

After having several copy shops and print services quote me $50-$70 per
for Nyrath's map, I leaned on one of my customers for a favor.	 He
seen the file so I don't have an exact quote, but it appears likely that
should be able to get a limited number of maps on a ONE TIME ONLY basis
about  US$18--possibly a bit less (not including shipping to you).

If you are ready to sign in blood that you want one, let me know OFF
LIST ) and mention if you'd prefer the plain map or the
with political labels (when finished).

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