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Re: [SG] Wandering mines (was: NAC SAS rescues hostage. . .)

From: "Richard Slattery" <richard@m...>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 01:27:12 -0000
Subject: Re: [SG] Wandering mines (was: NAC SAS rescues hostage. . .)

On 3 Feb 99, at 17:06, Rob Paul wrote:

> The story of the boomeranging Soviet mine-dogs comes from German
> and I think it's dodgy for a couple of reasons.  Firstly, the Germans
> every dog they found on the offchance it was a mine-dog, which doesn't
> sound like the reaction to a comical Soviet mistake.	Secondly, the
> army persisted with it from late '41 to '43, and would surely have
> the problem fairly early on(!).  They claimed 12 German tanks killed
> dogs at Kursk.  The main reason for ditching the idea appears to be
> change from defence to offence in '43.

Remember this is the same German army that covered tanks in 
Zimmerit, when the russians didn't actually have any magnetic anti 
tank grenades ;)
Cheered by their words with an altogether more positive attitude to
boxing...I found myself recalling the words of Marlin
Brando in On the Waterfront, 'I could have been a bartender.' 
     Look Japan magazine article

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