Re: [FT and (!!) SG & DS] Population and military OT(Tribes of Crane)
From: "Denny Graver" <cyberdruss@c...>
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 23:11:34 -0000
Subject: Re: [FT and (!!) SG & DS] Population and military OT(Tribes of Crane)
>Mein Gott im himmel! Tribes of Crane, deja vu, all over again!
>I'm not familiar with that reference, please enlighten me.
Tribes of Crane was (?) a play by mail game or Tribal conquest
(Inspired by
John Norman's Gor books.) originated by Schubel & Sons years ago and
moderated by various others companies since. I think Dixie was a city
Crane. Memory fades with time.. I should know, I used to help GM it!