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Re: [URL] Latest GZG Advert

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 22:59:09 +0000
Subject: Re: [URL] Latest GZG Advert

>The Siefert sed:
>On Wed, 3 Feb 1999, Ground Zero Games wrote:
>> >Tim Jones wrote:
>> >BTW, Jon, is there a plan to get those Slammer's minis down to 6mm
>> >us DSII guys?
>> AAAAGGGHHH!! Now, how did I guess that someone was going to ask
>> <wry grin>
>     Now Jon, uyou only bring it upon yourself.
>On purpose, methinks.
>I was going back through old GZG posts, trying to answer the
>question (never did find an answer; did Jon make one?), and found a
tonne of
>'stuff' brought up, but nothing came of 'em as I recall.
>Remember FT dice? GZG decals? Bugs Don't Surf? (ok, maybe the advert
>that one...)

The ratio of what we'd LIKE to do, against what we're ABLE to do seems
be around 10:1....usually due to time, money or both - lack thereof,
is.  ;)

BDS will happen one day (probably about the time my third clone is grown
enough to use a computer... <grin>).  Things like dice and decals are
gambles that we haven't been in a position to take yet - they both
a fair outlay to get started, and there is no way to really predict
they would sell enough to be worthwhile - you have to make A LOT of
something like this to get a sensible unit price. Of course, if everyone
the list pre-ordered a dozen sheets of decals each, THEN we could be
enough to print them.... ;)
We have a number of regular visitors to our stand at the shows (I won't
call them "customers", because that would imply that they buy
something....) who are very fond of saying "Hey, why don't you make
(insert odd or obscure item of choice here), that'd be really good!".
they actually mean is, "If you spent a lot of money and time getting
sculpted and into production, I MIGHT buy ONE, if I haven't started
collecting something else entirely by then....."

Jon (GZG) - feeling just a little bit cynical tonight... <grin!>

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