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Starship combat computer games

From: "Niall Gilsenan" <ngilsena@i...>
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 20:55:06 -0000
Subject: Starship combat computer games

Something that might be of interest.  There appears to be a trend in
computer gaming at the moment for designing starship combat games.

Homeworld, Starfleet Command (based on SFB).  I suspect theres more I
haven't heard of.  Admittedly most of these seem to be based on RTS
but they might be interesting nonetheless.

A new one I just saw a preview of was the RIft.  Details on this are
available at or the games designers at
Supposedly there will be large scale fleet combat with hundreds of ships
formations, control of squadron commanders and captains.  Sounds

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