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Re: [FT and (!!) SG & DS] Population and military

From: "John M. Atkinson" <john.m.atkinson@e...>
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 19:38:16 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT and (!!) SG & DS] Population and military

Andrew & Alex wrote:
> I think 1% of the population would be the upper limit for the size of
> military in peace time. Perhaps 0.1% to 0.3% would be a good limit for
> time.
>     Of that total, perhaps they are evenly divided between space navy,
> water navy, ground forces and air forces.

Active Duty personell only, reserves may triple or quadruple these
figures, depending on country.	Figures from Encyclopedia
Brittanica--they list active duty personell, and total population.

Iceland has .0485% of it's population in it's military. (130-man Coast
North Korea has 5.448% of it's population in it's military.

Nations of interest to list members:
Israel: 3.19%
US: .559% 
UK: .406%
Ireland: .366%
Sweden: .724%
Federal Republic of Germany: .440%

The record holder was Rome during the Punic Wars, which at one point had
10% of it's free population under arms.  This is about the max--of the
population, approx half will be disqualified by age or disability.  The
rest will be needed to run your economy.

John M. Atkinson

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