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Re: [FT] NAC Fleet Roster (unofficial, of course)

From: "John M. Atkinson" <john.m.atkinson@e...>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 15:13:37 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] NAC Fleet Roster (unofficial, of course)

Thomas Anderson wrote:

> interesting; you seem to be far more cruiser-heavy. i think around ww1
> cruiser was used as a scout, and a bit as a flank guard for the
> battleships. i imagine this is how most ft fleets are - people
> instinctively go for a pyramid of numbers from capitals at the top to
> escorts at the bottom.

If you note the way the NAC Fleet Roster broke down, there were 289
cruisers, 382 DD/FF.  The High Space Fleet is cruiser heavy, compared to
the Sector Fleets--it's also capital heavy.  Overall breakdown of the
HSF&3xSFs works out to 211 cruisers, 320 DD/FF.  Add in about. . . 50
more escorts for Internal Security (havn't worked out details yet--these
guys are more Coast Guard than Navy, and so to me they don't "really"
count in the totals).  Sector fleets also have 1xDNV, 6xBB, 10xLight BB,
and a lousy 4xCVLs for capital ships, vice the DSF's 21 Dreadnoughts and
5 CVAs.  The Romans don't have a lot of capitals to waste, and a good
bit of the slack is taken up by Cruisers.  If you assume every BatRon or
CVBG has a heavy cruiser or two, a pair of escort medium cruisers, and a
light cruiser of some type, your cruiser numbers start to really add
up.  I'm not really happy (what Admiral is?) about the final numbers--I
really would like more heavy and medium cruisers, but you know how the
Senate is. . .	What I really want is a few more CVAs and escorts as
appropriate, but I can't figure out where to scrape up the escorts.  :)

I may have the OOB for the DSF and 1st Sector Fleet up in the next day
or two, 2nd & 3rd SecFlts are simply variations on a theme (Pun

John M. Atkinson
[1]If you have to ask. . . :)

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