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In defense of GW!

From: "Michael Blair" <amfortas@h...>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 07:58:07 PST
Subject: In defense of GW!

At the moment I really cannot say anything bad about Games Workshop, I 
bought my brother I box of their Gene Stealers for Christmas (as a 
'stocking filler') and this has got him painting again. He has started 
to build up an army of these bizarre creatures. The best part is that he

has finally started to paint my Swabians, undercoated last year, bought 
the year before that (maybe earlier, when Stargrunt II was released). I 
would never have imagined them in brown but they look great and he can 
do one in half an hour. Now I have to do that Tiger II to support them…
How good is Stargrunt for a bug hunt?

		 Michael R. Blair

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