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Re: [long!] Battlefleet Gothic: Demo at White Marsh

From: Aaron Teske <ateske@H...>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 22:41:56 -0500
Subject: Re: [long!] Battlefleet Gothic: Demo at White Marsh

At 08:41 PM 1/25/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Nice review, Aaron!

Thanks.  If I get time, I'll rework it into something a bit more
but we'll see what happens.  Though I'll keep the original up,

>Aaron Teske wrote:
[Winchell aka Nyrath]
>>Nice guy, but he has lots of eyes
>> about his person.... ^_-
>	Well, what can I say?  One of my hobbies is being eccentric.


>	(Black shirt and pants, rainbow suspenders and an eyeball
>	belt buckle, ring, and eye-in-a-triangle pendant.
>	I did notice Aaron looking apprehensively at my attire
>	out of the corner of his .... eyes..)

<grin>	Not apprehensive, just eye-preciating your outfit. ^_-

>> (This from a little blurb sheet Nyrath
>> and I both grabbed out of the box, after asking Robin if we could
>	We both were admiring the blurb sheets while admitting that
>	it would be nice to have one.  Aaron was the one who got
>	up the courage to ask Robin.

Well, hey, they had four in there.  Now, if I'd just tried asking about
getting a sample cruiser, to show off at GZG-ECC....  (And I'm fairly
serious here, it just didn't occur to me until I was an hour up the
<sigh>	Missed opportunities....)

>	I think the box cover would make an excellent poster,
>	the little picture at the GW web site does not do it justice.

For a somewhat larger (600x400 or so) picture, try
"", which also has the
Imperial and Chaos fleets from the back of the flyer.

And if anyone wants the ~1200x800 original scan of the front of the
just drop me a line....

>> Alright, I think that's enough of the rules for now; I'm probably
>> rambling on them than anything else, and it's really pretty simple in
>> of what you may think. ^_^;
>	On the whole, the rules are more streamlined than FT,	
>	with the corresponding degradation in the "chrome" and
>	available options.  Offhand I'd say that FT is more
>	detailed, while BG plays quicker.
>	My only uneasiness is the fact that FT is *already*
>	known for being a fast playing game.  This would 
>	make BG a game that you could teach to a bright
>	eight year old in ten minutes.

Well, the Chaos vs. Imperials, certainly; both sides have the same
types, if different ranges.  Adding in the Eldar and Ork ships will
make things a little more complicated, especially with the varying speed
the Eldar and their weapons, and the "Kustomizing" Ork ships can
(Extra Meks for damage control -- you get one roll in the end phase per
'hit' left on the ship, repairs effective on a '6' and no need to
beforehand -- and bigger gunz or more shooty gunz and whatnot.)

>> The Chaos
>> ships all have somewhat curvy heads... kinda hard to explain, I'll
try and
>> get the pictures up.  

Unfortunately, I forgot that the Chaos cruiser isn't in the Chaos war
fleet, though you do get a look at a couple other ships.

>	The heads almost looked like they were made of titanic wood
>	laths, as if the ships were cathedrals made of wood with
>	no dry-wall put on.  

Or maybe an inside-out cathedral...?

>From the top, the heads looked like
>	fat spear-points. They are curvy from the side.


>> The Ork ships typically have jaws on the front, from what
>> I could see, but manage to be fairly different.  Hopefully, there's
lots of
>> bitz with the Ork ships so they're more customizable. ^_^
>	Don't forget that small blocky Ork ship with the
>	huge drill-bit for a nose...

Oh, yes.  The *proper* race to use a giant drill bit... the only truly
dedicated ramming ship in the game, though I remember Andy mentioning
Imperial ships did get a bonus to ramming because of the reinforced

[Keeping the standard cruisers customizable]
>	Use some of that magnetic tape they use to make refrigerator
>	magnets out of.

Very good point!  Thanks. ^_^

>	And remember that one of the "weapon sections" is 
>	a fighter launch bay.


>	(Fighters and bombers are considered "ordinance".
>	I imagine this doesn't help the moral of the pilots)

<grin> Actually, they're prolly happier than their FT relations -- they
only have to attack once before they're handwaved back onto their
mothership into a full squadron again, if the launching ship has the
reloads for 'em.

>> Andy's hoping to get Ork and Eldar
>> battleships out fairly quickly, and is apparently working on rules
>> maybe minis) for Space Hulks.  ("Ooh!  Cooties!" said Nyrath.... ^_^
>	Yep.  Imagine a pitched battle being suddenly put on
>	hold as a Gene-Stealer infested Space Hulk drifts into the area.
>	"RUN AWAY!! It's got Cooties!"


Or maybe fight a battle with a Space Hulk, trying to disable it before
reaches the planet... and one option is to use boarding torpedos filled
with Marines and/or Terminators (or Colonial Marines... hmmm...
genestealers?  How about Aliens!) to try and take key points, which
nicely into a Space Hulk (or Stargrunt! ^_^ ) game....

					Aaron Teske
A totally unprovoked attack on peaceful neighbors. Must be the race 
file. Does strange things.
		--Rick Kujecko, on the War Monger PRT in Stars!

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