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[FT] It's back on-topic Re: [OT] SFB - The Deal is finally done

From: devans@u...
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 12:41:43 -0600
Subject: [FT] It's back on-topic Re: [OT] SFB - The Deal is finally done

I know someone else said power allocation does not fit into FT, but I
there may be simple mechanisms that might. The assumption has always
enough power native to a system until the system is destroyed. Then FB
introduced a power core system.

I don't have suggestions, and definitely think anything described should
forever be an optional rule, but even 'when power core receives first
damage, if the role is 4 or 5, all primary beams weopens(largest beam
rating) go off-line.', or 'use only x or y systems, not both, in one
could be a start.

These aren't really full PA rules, but might start an idea to give a
flavor. The fun is always in the sweating that starts when things start
breaking, and creativity is required to stay alive. Especially if it's
opponent doing the squirming. Now, that IS perverted! ;->=


Donald Hosford <> on 01/25/99 11:36:12 AM

Please respond to gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
 To:	  gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU			      
 cc:	  (bcc: Doug Evans/CSN/UNEBR)			      
 Subject: Re: [OT] SFB - The Deal is finally done	      

jim clem wrote:

> ==============================================
> I'm just starting a project to convert SFB to a FT type format.  The
> current working name is Full Thrust Battles.	The intent is to capture
> the 'flavor' of SFB, but allow those big mega campaigns and battles in
> format that doesn't take a 5 year mission to play.  The plan is to
> convert all the various weapons and systems to FT's simple no chart
> play, but still doing similar damage and such.  The damage allocation
> will be simpler as well.  Yeah, the old game was great, but as time
> on it got more and more munchkin.  Hated that.
> Jim Clem, B.S.E.

Will you try a "power allowcation system"  Yes I know it would make the
take longer...	 How about this:  Assume the ships have enough power to
everything, and have a decent speed (low to middlen)  and only do power
allowcation  when the power plant gets damaged...

Donald Hosford

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