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Re: A Stealth Primer (and [FT-AAR] a NAC/NI AAR - "Wargames")

From: "John M. Atkinson" <john.m.atkinson@e...>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 12:31:58 -0500
Subject: Re: A Stealth Primer (and [FT-AAR] a NAC/NI AAR - "Wargames")

Izenberg, Noam wrote:

> 1)	  Stealth Hull - comes in 2 levels and makes a ship harder to
> Mass is same as partial and full streamlining., cost 50% more
> Stealth level 1 reduces enemy  range bands by 1/4.  Stealth level 2
> (Super Stealth) reduces range bands by 1/3. Includes vs. Fighter ,
> and PDS (i.e. fighters bust be within 5" or 4" to attack, SMLs must be
> within 5 "or	4" to acquire target,  PDS anti-ship at 5" or 4").

OK, here's where I run into trouble.  See, I use the 3" radius. 
Otherwise SMLs are just too easy to hit with.  Hell, with a 3" it's
still pretty easy.  

> symbol: Black Hexagon next to damage track for each level. Stealth 1
> ships cannot have Super strength hulls, Steath 2 ships cannot have
> Strong or Super hulls.
>	  PSB: Special hull construction and materials, sacrificing hull
> integrity for reduced sensor profile.

I'd make it even more severe as far as hull strength goes.  One step

> 2)	  Stealth Fighter - Stealth fighters are +12pts/group and are
> same as Heavy fighters except for PSB (stealthy hull
> design/shape/materials rather than an active jamming or screening
> system). Super-Stealth (Stealth level 2) fighters cost +24pts/group
> act as having Screen 2 vs. PDS/ADFC/other fighters. This is more
> balanced than forcing PDS/ADFC to have reduced range, IMHO, as the
> latter way would give a range for fighters to be immune to ship-based
> defenses.

Erm. . . I wouldn't allow Stealth level 2 on fighters.	Doesn't sound
John M. Atkinson

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