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Re: Drifting OT with no steerage way (was: RE: AoG ships in UK)

From: devans@u...
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 14:29:13 -0600
Subject: Re: Drifting OT with no steerage way (was: RE: AoG ships in UK)

Teach me to try and sneak one in... *sigh*

Actually, I have TWO different Dalek and *ahem* Katy pictures. One out
of a
Dr. Who Companion book, the other of a DWB Interview book. For those who
like that trivia, Ms. Manning was a companion to the Jon Pertwee Dr.
Having left the show, she decided to break out of the juvenile
with the magazine layout.

And, yes, a pervert, but given the period modesty, these piccies are
of interest for curiosity than purient delights.

I understand she's now living happily in Oz, and doing plenty of TV

The_Beast, who's really trying to think of a way to bring this back on
topic, and doesn't have a hope...

PS Unless someone wants to work up Dalek vs a JT Babe scenerio for SGII.

Ground Zero Games <> on 01/22/99 02:02:44 PM

Please respond to gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
 To:	  gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU			      
 cc:	  (bcc: Doug Evans/CSN/UNEBR)			      
 Subject: Drifting OT with no steerage way (was: RE: AoG      
	  ships in UK)					      

While the rest of us were talking nicely about AoG ships, The Beast
in with....
>Now, if I could just find those cheap Armorcast titans again. I bet I
>finally get the Katy Manning issue of Girls Illo.. ;->=

Hey, you mean the pic of her wrapped round the Dalek, wearing nothing
THOSE boots....
Heh! Pervert!  ;)
The pic showed up as a centrefold poster in an issue of Cult TV (a UK
about, surprisingly, Cult TV....) a little while back and no, you can't
have my copy.... <grin>

Jon (GZG)

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