Re: Anyone use FB ships?
From: "The end of the bottomeless pit is a body-length and a half down." <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 23:06:50 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Anyone use FB ships?
>>> I notice that a lot of the posters here use ships of their own
>>>designs. I was wondering if anyone actually uses the ships in the
>>>Book. If so, how well do they work as fleets? I've been considering
>>>purchasing a fleet and would like some opinions on the ships.
>>I wouldn't consider the NSL due to thrust.
>I think people are dismissing the big thing on NSL.
>There is nothing better then being able to scream out in a terrible
>accent the orders, alerts and attacks. Sure you can annoy people with a
>French accent, sound pompous with a pommie NAC or agaonizing with a
>NAC accent.
This reminds me of a scenario I ran at Origins last summer (scenario
at: ). The basic gist (for
those of
you not inclined to read the scenario itself ;) pitted small fleets of
the four
major powers against each other. There was a 'valuable resource' on the
on one of the two asteroids in the middle of the table that they were
to retrieve and return to their government with. With the way the
alliance of
powers has been presented in the GZG universe, the NAC and NSL allied
the FSE and ESU ships. Of course these alliances were temporary, for as
soon as
someone got the 'valuable resource', their allies would very likely turn
them in a heartbeat. :)
Anyway, I allowed the FSE to have Salvo Missiles set to *not* attack any
FSE ships (moot point mostly in this scenario :) but any one else was
game. At one point the FSE planted a batch of SMs in order to catch the
swinging around the large asteroid. The ESU was charging ahead to meet
the NSL
head-on. Well, the ESU and FSE didn't communicate the FSE's intentions
clearly, and the NSL, with a fit of precognizance (did I spell that
slammed on the breaks (the NSL had an Escort Cruiser in their ranks,
btw). The
one ESU ship found itself very much out of position and in the envelope
of at
least a couple SM pods. The NSL CE was in range to protect the ESU ship.
So the
NSL kaptain flying the NSL CE called out in a thick German accent, "Hey,
I haf an Aegis FireControl. How much money do you haf?"
The ESU player did not pay. And subsequently paid. Scratch one ship...
I'm not giving in to security under pressure,
I'm not missing out on the promise of adventure,
I'm not giving up on implausible dreams -
Experience to extremes...experience to extremes....
Rush - "The Enemy Within"