Re: A new power to deal with, The New Confederate States
From: Los <los@c...>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 13:21:10 -0800
Subject: Re: A new power to deal with, The New Confederate States
John M. Atkinson wrote:
> I wouldn't be too worried--if they were coming after a major star
> system
> (New Rome, Thrace), the NRE (and most other powers, I presume) has
> large
> sublight garissons (primarily Cerebus-class SDBs, but with other ships
> converted. My rule of thumb is to rip out the FTL and add the
> equivelant in armor, making them tough little escorts indeed). In
> fact,
> I'd say it would be almost impossible to capture a core system of any
> major power without a really massive fleet action. Large enough so
> that
> in the multi-polar GZG-verse, while A's entire fleet is off beating
> the
> hell out of B, C is going to take the chance to snag a half-dozen
> colonies from A. All the while watching out for D, who might jump
> into
> the fray on either side.
I hear ya bro. I guess what I was really think about was a fight for
survival. Not a Weberesque Insurrection or a Crusades thing, but
something more along the lines of On death's ground. An alien race bent
on the elimination of Humanity. Don't either bother capturing planets
unless you need to set up a human-based cattle farm...
Something that will introduce some real pucker factor. (Maybe someone
can bring a hand-smelter to melt down destroyed ship minis and recast
them into the victor's fleet of choice.) <g>
This way future generations of FT/DS/SG players could honor us as ghods,
having secured their freedom to game whatever power they like, or
conversely, slave on underneath the bondage of having to game some vile
alien race, never more to hear of such graceful names as the
Ticonderoga, MarkGraf, DeGaul, Ajax, Kutzenov, Antioch, etc etc.
Oh the Humanity!!
<runs off down a long hallway ranting>