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RE: OT was Re: [DSII] Reactive armour

From: "Dean Gundberg" <dean.gundberg@n...>
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 17:50:03 -0600
Subject: RE: OT was Re: [DSII] Reactive armour

This is the 2nd time Beer has been talked about recently, hmmm....

Tom Granvold wrote...
> > > >and drink strong beer
> >
> > strong beer! don't make me laugh. perhaps compared to that yellow
> > pop the americans drink, but to a european your boast is laughable!
> > honestly, though, i heard a theory that american beer is the
> way it is so
> > as to be like coke, so that young people can easily get into it.
>   Yes that yellow fizzy stuff is terrible.  BUT, there are a lot of
> fantastic American beers that don't come from the big makers of the
> fizzy stuff.	If you every get out to Califonia, I'll show some of
> the local microbrewers.  There is good stuff in the old USA, you just
> don't see it advertised on the telly.

I do agree with Tom on this one.  I really do need to get out of cold
Dakota and visit you some time Tom and compare miniature and game a bit
topic bit)

Dean Gundberg
Homebrewer and Certified Beer Judge
(Yes I did have to take a test for that certification, sample questions:
Compare a British Mild Ale and an American Brown Ale giving original
gravities for both and 5 gallon recipes for each with specific types
and varieties of hops used.
Describe the differences in the local water supplies found in Ireland
Germany and how this effects the brewing process and the resultant beer
There was some tasting involved too ;)

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