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Re: DSII editor file format

From: Kevin Walker <sage@m...>
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 01:57:16 -0600
Subject: Re: DSII editor file format

At approximately 1/5/99 2:01 PM,  Chen-Song Qin wrote:

>A while ago the author of the DSII editor (sorry forgot your name) said
>that he'd post an address for the shareware version of the editor
>as well as giving the file format to anyone who's interested.	I'm just
>wondering if these things are available yet?

Hmmm...  I wonder if this is me you're referring to?  The wonders of 
misplaced items and a lack of time due to moving have delayed me from 
responding much lately (hey! it only took me six days to see this
 The editor I wrote only works on the Mac platform at this time (my next

project is doing it in MFC for the Win32 platform).

If I am the one you're seeking let me know via personnel email so I can 
send you a copy.  I don't have a web-site, nor am I likely to in the 
future.  As for the file format discussion - I'll be taking that up on 
the FT-Computer mail list, unless there's a big desire to host that
later this week or early next week.

Kevin Walker			 Mac Developer / Software Engineer
Rochester  MN  USA		 WAM!NET

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