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Re: [FT] SMLs, Type 3 & Tactics

From: DracSpy@a...
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 01:30:30 EST
Subject: Re: [FT] SMLs, Type 3 & Tactics

In a message dated 99-01-11 01:00:17 EST, you write:

<< >> Why are we discussing a million point starship?  Because someone
 >> it.  That is what we do on this list, right?  Discuss games?  If you
 >> why one would play with such a ship, all I can ask in response is:
 >>  It's no more absurd than the Death Star, is it?  Just think of it
as an
 >> Ogre in space.
 >In order:
 >That's what I asked.
 >Not someone who's quite right in the head>>
Most of the games that I play are small games (maybe 18 ships or so per
but every now and then I want to (and can find someone) try out
something BIG
(like the mega gun carrying ship, or a super carrier) and game that,
games give the players and the other members ideas one how to fight
ships better than they did before, altho I think that this one was just
Just defending a fun game, the most fun was the look on his face when I
fire the first time.
P.S. Im just fine in my head, I just take some tac ideas way to fare,
sometimes they even work:)

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