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Re: [FT] SMLs, Type 3 & Tactics

From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 01:01:18 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] SMLs, Type 3 & Tactics

At 11:12 PM 1/10/99 -0500, you wrote:
>John Crimmins wrote:
>> Why are we discussing a million point starship?  Because someone
gamed with
>> it.	That is what we do on this list, right?  Discuss games?  If you
>> why one would play with such a ship, all I can ask in response is:
Why not?
>>  It's no more absurd than the Death Star, is it?  Just think of it as
>> Ogre in space.
>In order:
>That's what I asked.
>Not someone who's quite right in the head

There's certainly no need to be insulting, is there?  If you don't like
way he games, fine.  Why be rude about it?

In any case, over the top games can be a hell of a lot of fun.	Long
we did a game  that pitted 15mm Laserburn Space Marines against a
of "Zoids"--giant, mechanical animals.	Wind-up Japanese toys, to be
and really neat looking things they were.  It was a damned silly game,
highly enjoyable nevertheless.	A steady diet of such games in another
story, of course, but when played occasionally they can add a nice bit
spice to your games.

[Snip, Snap, Snur!  And who can identify that phrase?]

>And Ogres are pretty silly too--and die nicely in DSII.

DSII is one possible future.  "Ogre" is another.  Ogres do just fine in
Ogre Miniatures, where they have BPC armor, and mine actually do pretty
darned well in DSII.  The Dinochrome brigade only fought in one game,
it was damned spectacular game.

>> As for the genre....  It's Science FICTION, John.  Infinite
>> That's why I like it so much.  Broaden your mind, man!  Expand your
>> horizons!  You'll have much more fun that way.
>There is SCIENCE Fiction, and *mumblequickly*science*mumble* FICTION. 
>This definitely is latter.

To me, the fiction's the only thing that really matters.  Internal logic
and consistancy are next.  Science is waaay back there at the end of the
line.  As I've said, give me Resnik over Drake, any day of the week.

John X Crimmins
  " one of the secret masters of the world: a librarian.
They control information.  Don't ever piss one off."
  --Spider Robinson, The Callahan Touch.

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