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Re: GZGL FH Guide to the Colonies

From: Nyrath the nearly wise <nyrath@c...>
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 07:10:41 -0500
Subject: Re: GZGL FH Guide to the Colonies

Andrew & Alex wrote:
> Laserlight wrote:
> >My objection is that the Alarishi stars are not marked, probably
because I
> >never mentioned anything about them.  I'll need to find three or four
> >otherwise unclaimed systems (no habitable planets required) and set
up shop
> >there, and it should be close to the IF.
>     Ask Nyrath the nearly wise for some suitable stars, let me know
> name, distance, X, Y & Z coordinates of those stars and I will update
> about a week later, when my poor, antique 486 running Lotus Improv,
> recalculating the distance spreadsheet.

	Let me examine the map and I'll try to find some suitable stars.
	I'll get back to you.

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